Titled "How to fulfil a child's only childhood ~ from birth to independent walking", this new book is authored by Greentree Montessori's very own founder and director Ms Charmaine Soh Chian Mui.
In her very first book, Ms Charmaine Soh has condensed 30 years of her professional early childhood knowledge into easy-to-understand concepts and implementation methods.
In this book, you will be able to explore Early Childhood and parenting concepts, principles, and methods that are simple and easy to understand and implement.
This book is suitable for trainee teachers, educators, parents, and professionals working with children 0 to 3 years old.
Currently available in Chinese, look forward to the English version in 2022.
This book is a publication from Greentree Montessori and is the very first book authored by Greentree Montessori's very own founder and director, Ms Charmaine Soh.